22 Goats
22 Goats is an American alternative rock/indie rock trio from Seattle, Washington. Its three members are: Dax Morgan (lead vocals, guitar), Colin Beretta (drums), and Matthew “Fish” Fishberger (bass, backing vocals, keys and synth).
Want to see the article that inspired our band’s name?

22 GOATS Debut Album
"People Like Us” hit No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, as well as No. 1 on both Alternative Songs and Hot Rock Songs charts, and also on charts in 15 countries worldwide. The music video for “People Like Us" surpassed one billion views on YouTube in record time, faster than any single for a debut artist in history.
Which is FUCKING AWESOME! We can’t believe it!
To find out more about our Debut Album click HERE!
Use the button below to watch music videos and download or stream new songs.

News & Interviews
We recently chatted with BBC RADIO 1! It was AWESOME!
If you missed it, use the button below to read the full transcript from the interview.

Fan Zone

See 22 GOATS on their upcoming tour!
Tour dates coming soon!